"Languages and Linguistics"
an international journal of Linguistics



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  Moha Ennaji's Publications: Books





Le Brassage de la culture amazighe et de la culture hassanie et leur relation avec les cultures sub-sahariennes (2016),

edited by Moha Ennaji, published by the South North Center, Fès, Morocco

 This book is about the interchange of the Amazigh and Hassania cultures and their relation to Sub-Saharan Africa. It shows that both Amazigh and Hassania cultures, which are pillars of cultural diversity in Morocco and the Maghreb, have a great impact on the lifestyle of the population and on the customs and traditions of the whole society. This interchange between the different aspects of Moroccan and Maghrebi culture has created a symbiosis and a remarkable cultural wealth that characterizes today's region.

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Aspects of Violence Against Women in North Africa : Between Progress and Backlash  (2016),

Edited by Fatima Sadiqi and Moha Ennaji, published by ISIS Center for Women and Development, Fès, Morocco

The contributors to this book have revealed that gender-based violence is one of the most widespread violations of Human Rights.  It may include verbal threats, coercion, economic abuse, or arbitrary deprivation of freedom in both the private and public spheres.

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New Horizons of Muslim Diaspora in Europe and North America,

Edited by Moha Ennaji,

Published by Macmillan-Palgrave, 2016

The authors in this book criticize the essentialist approach to the concept of culture which reduces all diasporic Muslims to one category and ignores other important factors that shape the attitudes and behaviors of Muslims in the West, ...

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Minorities, Women, and the State in North Africa,

Edited by Moha Ennaji,

    Published by Red Sea Press, 2015

This book, which is a collection of chapters from prominent scholars, aims to unravel the problems and injustices suffered by minorities and women in North Africa. It focuses on the strategies adopted in each country to integrate their populations and to respect cultural diversity. The book equally discusses the role played by the state and civil society organizations on the ground to combat discrimination and totalitarianism. It examines in depth the interconnection of gender, nation, state, citizenship, and language. 

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Gender and Violence in the Middle East (Routledge, 2011)

Edited by: Moha Ennaji and Fatima Sadiqi

This book explores the relationship between Islamism, secularism and violence against women in the Middle East and North Africa. Drawing on case studies from across the region, the authors examine the historical, cultural, religious, social, legal and political factors affecting this key issue.

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Multiculturalism and Democracy in North Africa : Aftermath of the Arab Spring

Edited by: Moha Ennaji

Investigating the connections between multiculturalism, minorities, citizenship, and democracy in North Africa, this book argues that multiculturalism in this region– and in the Arab world at large – has reached a significant level in terms of scale and importance.

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Muslim Moroccan Migrants in Europe

By Moha Ennaji

 This book of 290 pages sheds light on the situation of Moroccans living in Europe, including Spain, France, Belgium, Italy, the Netherlands, and the UK. It offers readers a synopsis of the history of Moroccan migration to Europe, a multicultural vision of issues related to cultural diversity and immigrant integration in a perspective which is both sociological and anthropological.

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Mother Tongue and Diaspora Maghrébine

Edited by : Moha Ennaji

This book aims to draw the attention of intellectuals, actors  of civil society and policy makers onto the social, cultural, historical, and geopolitical aspects of Maghrebi diaspora.   It discusses mother tongues in the region and examines the political and cultural diversity in the host countries.   It proposes alternatives to develop and deepen intercultural dialogue, tolerance and communication between the Maghreb and the rest of the world.

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Amazigh and Andalucia: Right of Belonging and Hospitality

Edited by Moha Ennaji

This book of 250 pages, which consists of the proceedings of the conference organized in Fes in July 2013 within the framework of the festival of Amazigh culture, sheds light on the great contributions of Amazigh people to the history of Andalucia.

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The Amazigh language in education and media

Edited by: Moha Ennaji

This book aims to attract the attention of intellectuals,   civil society actors and policy makers on the importance of social,   cultural, geopolitical, and historical features of the Euro-   Mediterranean region.  It also aims to discuss the special status of the Amazigh language   and its integration in the fields of education and   media in the Maghreb and immigration countries. 

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"Migration and Hybridity: The Europe - Maghreb Paradigm" 2010

This book titled "Migration and Hybridity: The Europe - Maghreb Paradigm", discusses the current cultural situation on the basis of differences characterizing the cultures of the region, and political and cultural diversity in the Maghreb countries and the European Union. It also aims at offering alternatives in terms of developing and deepening intercultural dialogue, consolidating values of tolerance and communication between the Maghreb and Europe.

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Edited by Moha Ennaji

One of the main objectives of this edited book is to discuss ways to integrate multiculturalism in development and the consolidation of democracy, an integrative approach that emphasizes human and social dimension, because at the heart of the matter of culture is a human and socio-economic dimension.

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Migration and Globalization

Edited by Moha Ennaji , This book brings together scholars, policy makers, and journalists from Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and North America. It discusses the following topics:

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  Le Brassage de la Culture Amazighe et de la Culture Arabe
   Edited by Professor Moha Ennaji, this volume of 306 pages has been published by the Royal Institute of Amazigh Culture at Rabat (Morocco). It includes a set of articles motivated by the increasing interest for studies of cultural identities.

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Issues in English Language Teaching)

This book encompasses the proceedings of the conference organized at the Faculty of Letters at Fès in 1989 about issues of teaching English as a foreing language. It attempts to examine the different functions that  can be assumed by English Departments in Morocco. The book argues that English Departments can play an important role particularly at three levels: the academic level, the cultural level and the socio-economic level.  They must also take into account the country’s developmental needs.

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  La Culture Populaire et les Defis de la Mondialisation : Une Perspective Maghrebine
   Préparé par le professeur Moha Ennaji (chercheur universitaire), ce collectif de 166 pages vient d’être publié par l’Institut Royal de la Culture Amazighe. Il comprend un ensemble d’articles motivés par l’intérêt grandissant pour les études de la culture populaire face à la mondialisation.

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  Women Writing Africa - The Northern Region
   Women Writing Africa – The Northern Region portrays the ebb and flow of women’s lives in North Africa over the course of more than 5000 years. Over the millennia, from Egypt west to Morocco and Mauritania, women sometimes ruled empires and sometimes ruled the men who ruled empires. From Pharonic ancient Egypt through to the rise and fall of the Greco-Roman world and the advent of Islam, women challenged the proscriptive limits of custom and female propriety to lead armies, accumulate wealth, and exercise authority over kin and public affairs.

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  Migration and Gender in Morocco
   While this book focuses on the issue of migration and gender in Morocco, it discusses gender issues, particularly the situation of the women left behind by male migrants. The book is divided into eight chapters. The first chapter reviews the theories of migration as a worldwide phenomenon and the gender issues involved therein. Chapter 2 concerns itself with theories of women-headed households. Chapter 3 deals with the socioeconomic and political context in Morocco. Chapter 4 presents the social situation of women and their different categories in Morocco.

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  Migration and Gender in Morocco
   While this book focuses on the issue of migration and gender in Morocco, it discusses gender issues, particularly the situation of the women left behind by male migrants. The book is divided into eight chapters. The first chapter reviews the theories of migration as a worldwide phenomenon and the gender issues involved therein. Chapter 2 concerns itself with theories of women-headed households. Chapter 3 deals with the socioeconomic and political context in Morocco. Chapter 4 presents the social situation of women and their different categories in Morocco.

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  The Dialogue of Civilizations: The Self and the Other
   This book, which is a contribution to dialogue among civilizations, calls on Arab and Western intellectuals to take dialogue as a responsibility on their shoulders. The first chapter deals with the necessity of dialogue among civilizations.

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  Language and Gender in the Mediterranean Region
   This special issue of "The International Journal of the Sociology of Language", devoted entirely to issues of language and gender in the Mediterranean region, encompasses a number of excellent contributions on language and gender in Spain, Morocco, Algeria, Lebanon and the diaspora, within a multi-disciplinary perspective bringing together the insights, methodologies, and concerns of sociolinguistics, discourse analysis, literary theory, history, and gender studies..

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   The fundamental objective of this book is to discuss common mechanisms that take into account the different cultural components in Morocco so as to consolidate the development and opening process in this country.

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  Femmes et Education dans la Région Méditérranéenne
   The main goal of this book is to raise the issue of women and education in its wider context and to raise questions like: What is the relationship between education and women? Between education and the intellectual independence of women?...

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   Edited by Professor Moha ENNAJI, this 158-page book includes a series of chapters in Arabic and French as a tribute to the Honourable Dr. Leila Mezian Benjelloun for her outstanding contribution to the promotion of Amazigh culture.
French, Algerian, Belgian, Dutch, and Moroccan researchers participated in this...

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  Migration et Diversité Culturelle
   Edited by Professor Moha ENNAJI, this book in 202 pages, comprises a series of chapters in French and English. It was published with the assistance of the World Organization for Migration. European, American and Maghrebi researchers...

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Multilingualism, Cultural Identity, and Education in Morocco
   The present book is an investigation of the ramifications of multilingualism for language choice patterns and attitudes among Moroccans. More importantly, the book assesses the roles played by linguistic and cultural factors in the development and evolution of Moroccan society. It also focuses on the impact of multilingualism on cultural authenticity and national identity...

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  Société Civile, Genre et Développement Durable
   Under the High Patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, Fès-Saiss Association organized a three-day international conference on the theme: “Civil Society, Gender and Sustainable Development” on February 14-16, 2002 in Fès.
The conference had five major goals....

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A Grammar Of Moroccan Arabic
This book is a descriptive grammar of Moroccan Arabic from a broad perspective of generative linguistics. We have avoided as much as possible the technicalities associated with theory, and attempted to simplify the terminology and the description because we target primarily undergraduate and graduate students of linguistics, and the general reader who is particularly interested in the structure of Moroccan Arabic.

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A Grammar Of Amazigh
The grammar of Amazigh presented in this book is a descriptive simplified grammar of the language. It draws from a number of previous Amazigh grammars, particularly Sadiqi’s (1997) Grammaire du Berbère and Abdul-Massih’s (1991) Grammar of Tamazight. This book is aimed at contributing to facilitate the standardisation of Amazigh at a time when the teaching of the language has become a reality. Descriptive grammars of the Amazigh language are necessary for writing primary school textbooks, with the aim of teaching Amazigh for the first time in the history of Morocco.

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The Morpho-syntax of Chamito-semitic Languages
This issue is a collection of articles on various but related topics relevant from the Chamito-Semitic linguistics. Most of the contributions have been selected from the Chamito-Semitic Conference held by the Generative Grammar Research Group at the Faculty of letters at Fès, Morocco on 15-17 March 1999. The majot topics discussed during the conference were: morphology, word order, syntactic variation and minimalist approaches tp Chamito-Semitic languages. This issue consists of two major parts. Part one inflection/derivation paradigms as well as syntactic studies of Berber and Somali within a generative approach.

  This book is the 10th issue of the international journal of linguistics:
"Languages and Linguistics"

Read more: visit the website www.Lang-Ling.tk


Linguistics and English Literature in Maghreb Universities: Facts and Prospects
This volume is a collection of types of papers delivred at the Maghrebi conference organized by thye departement of English Language and Literature, at the Faculty of Arts, Fès on the theme: "Linguistics and English literature in Maghrebi Universities: Facts and Prospects".

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Linguistic Variation: From Fatcs to Theories
 "Linguistics Variation: From Facts to Theories" was the theme of the first international lingusitics conference organized on 18-19 March 1994 by the Group de Recherches et d'Etudes Linguistiques of the Faculty of Letters 1, Fès.

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Contrastive Syntax: English, Moroccan Arabic and Berber Complex Sentences
 This book aims at contrasting the structure of the Complex Sentence, namely relative clauses, complement clauses and coordinate sentences in English, Moroccan Arabic and Berber. The basic approach underlying the contrastive analysis conducted in this book is approximately the Standard Transformational approach.

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Introduction to Modern Linguistics
 This textbook aims to answer the needs of our undergraduate students (mainly second, third and fourth year students) who speak Arabic, sometimes Berber, French and/or Spanish in addition to English, the target language. Five languages are used for illustration: English, French, Standard Arabic, Moroccan Arabic and Berber. The variety of English that is illustrated from is Standard British English, often referred to as the "BBC English" or the "Queen's English", and the sound pattern of Received Pronunciation (RP), which is a standard British English accent, is described.

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Applications of Modern Linguistics
 The book, which includes 350 pages, is presented by the eminent American sociolinguist, Joshua Fishman of the University of Stanford, California, who outlines the significant contributions of this book to general linguistics.

   There are three potential audiences for this textbook. First, undergraduate and graduate students can benefit from the material presented in this book. Second, language teachers, especially English language teachers, may use it to update their knowledge of the different branches of linguistics. Third, researchers and interdisciplinary readers may find the chapters of this textbook relevant to their research interests.

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Berber Sociolinguistics
 The present issue on Berber Sociolinguistics consists of a collection of articles by academics who have common research interests in the sociology of language in general and in the sociolinguistics of Berber in particular.

    The aim of the present collection is twofold: (i) to offer university-level audiences a comprehensive and comprehensible overview on Berber language and sociolinguistic behaviour, and (ii) to familiarize the reader with the recent developments in language planning and attitudes toward Berber.

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Sociolinguistics in Morocco
 The present work encompasses some major contributions to sociolinguistics in Morocco, a topic that is of considerable interest to students and academics in the areas of linguistics, stylistics, anthropology, sociology, psychology and education, as well as to policy makers.

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Sociolinguistics of the Maghreb
 The subjects dealt with in this issue reflect faithfully the sociolinguistic changes that postcolonial Maghreb has undergone as a result of the effects of such important factors as the spread of education, Arabization, language diversity and modernity. There is no article on Mauritania and Libya simply because I could not get any response from the sociolinguists of these countries.

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