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  A Grammar Of Amazigh

     The grammar of Amazigh presented in this book is a descriptive simplified grammar of the language. It draws from a number of previous Amazigh grammars, particularly Sadiqi’s (1997) Grammaire du Berbère and Abdul-Massih’s (1991) Grammar of Tamazight. This book is aimed at contributing to facilitate the standardisation of Amazigh at a time when the teaching of the language has become a reality. Descriptive grammars of the Amazigh language are necessary for writing primary school textbooks, with the aim of teaching Amazigh for the first time in the history of Morocco.

            We have not presupposed any apriori particular theoretical framework in the writing of this grammar, but we use widely adopted and cross-theoretical broad concepts in modern linguistics such as the notion of the phoneme, that of a morpheme, or that of a subordinate clause. In an effort to be as clear as possible, we capitalized more on delineating the major aspects of the language that cannot be circumvented in the teaching of, or writing about, Amazigh as a language.

     This book contains three major chapters: phonology, morphology, and syntax. The chapters are inter-related in the sense that each one of them feeds into the others and a combination of the three constitutes the grammar (in its broadest sense) of Amazigh.

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   Details on the book:

  Title: A Grammar Of Amazigh
Authors: Moha Ennaji and Fatima Sadiqi.
Publisher: Imprimerie de Fédala, Mohammedia.
Publication year: 2004


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