Multilingualism, Cultural Identity, and Education in Morocco


"Languages and Linguistics"
an international journal of Linguistics


Center South North


Fatima Sadiqi's website


Mother Tongue and Diaspora Maghrébine













Edited by : Moha Ennaji

This book aims to draw the attention of intellectuals, actors  of civil society and policy makers onto the social, cultural, historical, and geopolitical aspects of Maghrebi diaspora.   It discusses mother tongues in the region and examines the political and cultural diversity in the host countries.   It proposes alternatives to develop and deepen intercultural dialogue, tolerance and communication between the Maghreb and the rest of the world.

In addition to debating the various theories on postcolonial research, diaspora, multiculturalism, and cultural studies, the authors propose a rereading of Maghrebi literature in the diaspora, namely the literature written in Arabic, Amazigh, French, Spanish, Dutch, Spanish, and English.

Another objective of this book is to discuss the cultural plurality of the Maghreb and Europe as a chance for democracy and tolerance, and, for a reassessment of discourses on identity, migration,   nation, gender, and culture.

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