Multilingualism, Cultural Identity, and Education in Morocco


"Languages and Linguistics"
an international journal of Linguistics


Center South North


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  Multilingualism, Cultural Identity, and Education in Morocco
  Lire le résumé de ce livre en Français

The present book is an investigation of the ramifications of multilingualism for language choice patterns and attitudes among Moroccans. More importantly, the book assesses the roles played by linguistic and cultural factors in the development and evolution of Moroccan society.  It also focuses on the impact of multilingualism on cultural authenticity and national identity.

The book consists of an examination of sociolinguistic variables, such as culture contact and language attitudes which foster language shift and maintenance as well as language change.  My contention is that a sober consideration of multilingualism requires a detailed knowledge of the cultural environment in which the multilingual individual evolves.  In the case of Morocco, which was under French domination for over four decades, it is necessary to study the phenomenon of culture contact, how it historically took place, and how it has evolved to its present state.

As education is part and parcel of the strategies used to implement language policies, the book equally includes a debate on education and language planning policies in Morocco since independence. The evolution of the educational system and language policies adopted over the years and their impact on the present-day situation are at the heart of this debate.

The book is designed to address three kinds of audiences. First, students and researchers of sociolinguistics, cultural and gender studies who may find this book relevant to their research interests. Second, the book addresses the general reader, who would like to know more about the language situation in Morocco. The third type of audience is that of decision-makers and education experts who may want to consult this work prior to taking decisions regarding education or language-planning matters.


   Details on the book:

  Title: Multilingualism, Cultural Identity, and Education in Morocco
  Director: Moha Ennaji
  Publisher: Springer Science+Business Media, Inc.
  Publication year: 2004
  To order:





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